Barry Foy

“Hilariously skewers food writers, cuisines, and sacred culinary traditions.”—Jane Black, The Washington Post
“Some of the funniest, most wickedly witty writing—food related or otherwise—on the shelves today.”—Laurel Gladden, SantaFeNewMexican.com
“Foy has lowered the bar for food writers everywhere (for which we should all be grateful).” —Gary Allen, LeitesCulinaria.com
“One of my favorite food-related books released this year. A wry take on food that is equal parts pure nonsense, good clean fun, and sharp send-up of foodie pretension.”—Adam Kuban,
“Among the funniest satires I have ever read, period.”—Ken Albala, Gastronomica
“A delightful, whimsical, at times hilarious, yet always penetratingly accurate analysis and description of proper and improper behavior in Irish traditional music circles. Recommended highly for novice and aficionado alike.”—Mick Moloney, Irish musician and folklorist
“You need never again tread the delicate ground of explaining to a fellow musician how you think he or she is obstructing the session; instead offer them this book as a gift. For those who are unsure of the generally accepted ground rules for participating in a session, this is essential reading.”—Martin Hayes, internationally known Irish fiddler

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Barry Foy is a writer, copyeditor/proofreader, and longtime player of Irish traditional music on several instruments. His writing, on a diverse array of subjects, has appeared in various print periodicals and anthologies, as well as online. A resident of Seattle for 25 years, he moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, in 2013.